Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen (ECC)
* Online (Zoom) conference:
"The Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen 2021"
Theme is trade and administration in Ancient Egypt.
Deadline for abstract submissions has been extended
to 1st of March 2021.
date: May 4-6, 2021
Exalted Spirits: The Veneration of the Dead in Egypt through the Ages
Conference and Abstract Submission
The American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) and The American
University in Cairo (AUC) are organizing a joint conference in collaboration
with the Ministry of Tourism and...
Symposium: "Pyramids and Progress. Perspectives
on the Entanglement of Imperialisms and Early
Egyptology (1800-1950)."
Abstracts of papers or posters can be sent in until
1 March 2021.
date: 8-10 November 2021
place: Palace of the Academies,...
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Sven Günther, Institute for the History of Ancient
Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
(email: / &
Dr. Roland Oetjen, University of Rostock,...
'In thy arms I lost myself’ – Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity International Congress
NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
The 9th, 10th, and 11th...
Raquel Novais_ Reis e Deuses_ Mito de Osiris-1.pdf (454770)
Welcome to CRE XV!
The 15th installment of the Current Research in Egyptology Conference (CRE) will be held at King's College London and the University College London from April 9-12, 2014. CRE XV Organisational Committee wishes to thank the our advisory staff (Richard Bussmann, Lucia...
The Czech Institute of Egyptology announces the international conference Profane landscapes, sacred spaces. The aim of the meeting will be to discuss issues connected to environment development and climate change research in Egyptology, and to the ways ancient Egyptians reflected their environment...
Third Australasian Egyptology Conference
July 16 - 19, 2014 to be held at Macquarie University in Sydney
The Australian Centre for Egyptology at Macquarie University in Sydney is pleased to announce the Third Australasian Egyptology Conference. It is open to postgraduate research students and...
Celetná 20, 110 00 PRAHA 1, Česká republika
Tel: 00420-221619611, Fax: 00420-221619618
Prague, 15th – 17th September 2014