Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen (ECC)
* Online (Zoom) conference:
"The Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen 2021"
Theme is trade and administration in Ancient Egypt.
Deadline for abstract submissions has been extended
to 1st of March 2021.
date: May 4-6, 2021
Exalted Spirits: The Veneration of the Dead in Egypt through the Ages
Conference and Abstract Submission
The American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) and The American
University in Cairo (AUC) are organizing a joint conference in collaboration
with the Ministry of Tourism and...
Symposium: "Pyramids and Progress. Perspectives
on the Entanglement of Imperialisms and Early
Egyptology (1800-1950)."
Abstracts of papers or posters can be sent in until
1 March 2021.
date: 8-10 November 2021
place: Palace of the Academies,...
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Sven Günther, Institute for the History of Ancient
Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
(email: / &
Dr. Roland Oetjen, University of Rostock,...
'In thy arms I lost myself’ – Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity International Congress
NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
The 9th, 10th, and 11th...
Site sobre o Projecto Arqueológico "Palácio de Apriés" (Luís Teixeira Pinto)
Site sobre a dataçao de selos - escaravelhos (Ronaldo Gurgel Pereira)
Gurob Harem...
*Material de Apoio - Cronologia dos sítios pré e proto-dinásticos (Guilherme Borges Pires)
*Materiais de Apoio - A Pedra de Roseta (Bárbara Rodrigues)
*Material de Apoio - Planta dos Túmulos Reais de Abidos (1ª e 2ª dinastias), (Jessica Santos)
O Projecto "Méditerranée: Une Histoire à partager", iniciado em 2009, e que reuniu um grupo de 15 historiadores e pedagogos de oito países do Norte, do Sul e do Leste do Mediterrâneo, visou a elaboração de um "manual" que servirá como material de apoio para todos os formadores e professores de...
Caras amigas e amigos,
Finalmente acessível no mercado a obra em que colaborei, redigindo o capitulo da Historia, com o título: "The Mediterranean and the voices transported by time".
Junto segue link com todas as informações:...
With an article by Helena Trindade Lopes about the Portuguese archaeological project at Memphis - the Palace of Apries.
Egyptian Archaeology will be published in March 2013, see for a full list of the contents:
Hathor_1_2012.jpg (91546)
Hathor - Studies of Egyptology's first number is now available!
If you are interested you could get it on Instituto Oriental - FCSH-UNL (Av. de Berna, 26 Piso 4 Gab. 4.10, Lisboa) or send an email to or to and we may send it...
Autora: Helena Trindade Lopes
Edição: Abr/2011
Páginas: 256 + 8 extratextos
Editora: Esfera dos Livros
Quando Ísis, a velha cantora de Amon, abriu a porta da sua memória à neta Tity, estava longe de imaginar que iria entrar numa emocionante viagem ao encontro de si própria e da história recente do...
Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen (ECC)
* Online (Zoom) conference:
"The Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen 2021"
Theme is trade and administration in Ancient Egypt.
Deadline for abstract submissions has been extended
to 1st of March 2021.
date: May 4-6, 2021
Exalted Spirits: The Veneration of the Dead in Egypt through the Ages
Conference and Abstract Submission
The American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) and The American
University in Cairo (AUC) are organizing a joint conference in collaboration
with the Ministry of Tourism and...
Symposium: "Pyramids and Progress. Perspectives
on the Entanglement of Imperialisms and Early
Egyptology (1800-1950)."
Abstracts of papers or posters can be sent in until
1 March 2021.
date: 8-10 November 2021
place: Palace of the Academies,...
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Sven Günther, Institute for the History of Ancient
Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
(email: / &
Dr. Roland Oetjen, University of Rostock,...
'In thy arms I lost myself’ – Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity International Congress
NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
The 9th, 10th, and 11th...