Egiptology: History, Religion, Language, Art and Archaeology

06-06-2014 00:00

Egiptology: History, Religion, Language, Art and Archaeology  

(org. Helena Trindade Lopes, CHAM)

FCSH/UNL, June 6, 10:00 – 18:00


10:00  - Opening - Maria Helena Trindade Lopes, FCSH - UNL

10:45 – "L'Égypte pharaonique face à notre modernité, et notre modernité face à l'Égypte pharaonique. Les relations dialectiques entre une discipline et son objet"- Pascal Vernus, E.P.H.E., Paris IV.

11:30 – 12:15 – Discussion

12:15 – 14:15 – Lunch

14:15 – "Between Archives and Museums: A Work in Progress"- Patrizia Piacentini, Università degli Studi di Milano.

14:45 – "Recent developments in social and economic history of ancient Egypt" - Juan Carlos Moreno, CNRS - Université Paris - Sorbonne Paris IV.

15:15 – “Ihet she who gives birth to the solar god“  - Annik Wüthrich - Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie - Universität Münster

15: 45 – 16:15 - Discussion

16:15 – 16: 40- Coffee Break

16: 40 – “The scribe and the painter” - Dimitri Laboury, Université de Liège.

17:10 – “The importance of wood anatomy in the detection of fake objects in museums.” – Victoria Asensi Amoros, DIRECTRICE SCIENTIFIQUE ET GERANTE DE XYLODATA SARL; Représentant IUFRO en Europe (Section 5. 10. 01).

17:40 – Discussion