"Third Interdisciplinary Conference: Thinking Symbols" at the Pultusk Academy of Humanities in Pultusk in Poland.
Third Interdisciplinary Conference: Thinking Symbols which will be held from 30th of June to 2nd of July 2015 at the Pultusk Academy of Humanities in Pultusk in Poland.
The deadline for the abstracts submission is the 31st of December 2014. Please send your abstract at one of the following addresses: symbolsconference@prokonto.pl or joannapopielskag@hotmail.com
The language of the conference is English. However, if necessary, a consecutive translation from Polish into English will be available, at your earliest request. If you require this facility, please contact Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska at: joannapopielskag@hotmail.com
And Helena Trindade Lopes is one of the Speakers invited.