Instituições de Ensino e de Investigação.docx.pdf (70076)
Osiris Myth (Raquel Novais)
Raquel Novais_ Reis e Deuses_ Mito de Osiris-1.pdf (454770)
Raquel Novais_ Metodologias de investigação em História Antiga_ levantamento bibliográfico.pdf (725946)
Levantamento Bibliográfico sobre o Egipto Faraónico - Biblioteca Universitária João Paulo II (da Universidade Católica de Lisboa) e Biblioteca da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (da Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Levantamento bibliográfico - Catarina Miranda-2.pdf (515446)
Bibliografia de Egiptologia existente em 11 Bibliotecas de Lisboa (Jessica Santos, Bárbara Botelho Rodrigues, Guilherme Borges Pires)
bibliotecas.pdf (427303)
Bibliografia de Egiptologia em PDF's (Jessica Santos, Bárbara Botelho Rodrigues, Guilherme Borges Pires)
pdf.pdf (325115)
Esta bibliografia está disponivel para quem quiser. Basta solicitar para o endereço do site.
Links para PDF's (Jessica Santos, Bárbara Botelho Rodrigues, Guilherme Borges Pires)
*Egiptologia - As grandes obras de referência do trabalho egiptológico (Maria Helena Trindade Lopes)
As grandes obras de referência do trabalho egiptológico(1).pdf (113571)
*Egiptologia - Instituições de Ensino e de Investigação (Maria Helena Trindade Lopes)
Instituições de Ensino e de Investigação.docx.pdf (70076)
*Egiptologia - Museus (Maria Helena Trindade Lopes)
Museus.pdf (68865)
Egiptologia - Sociedades e Associações de Egiptologia (Maria Helena Trindade Lopes)
Sociedades e Associações de Egiptologia.pdf (70470)
29-04-2021 12:15
ECE IX book of abstracts.pdf (1,8 MB)
"The Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen 2021"
28-01-2021 18:02
Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen (ECC)
* Online (Zoom) conference:
"The Egyptological Conference in Copenhagen 2021"
Theme is trade and administration in Ancient Egypt.
Deadline for abstract submissions has been extended
to 1st of March 2021.
date: May 4-6, 2021
Exalted Spirits: The Veneration of the Dead in Egypt through the Ages
27-01-2021 15:45
Exalted Spirits: The Veneration of the Dead in Egypt through the Ages
Conference and Abstract Submission
The American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) and The American
University in Cairo (AUC) are organizing a joint conference in collaboration
with the Ministry of Tourism and...
"Pyramids and Progress. Perspectives on the Entanglement of Imperialisms and Early Egyptology (1800-1950)."
26-01-2021 13:32
Symposium: "Pyramids and Progress. Perspectives
on the Entanglement of Imperialisms and Early
Egyptology (1800-1950)."
Abstracts of papers or posters can be sent in until
1 March 2021.
date: 8-10 November 2021
place: Palace of the Academies,...
Modern Economics and the Ancient World: Were the Ancients Rational Actors?
26-01-2021 13:29
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Sven Günther, Institute for the History of Ancient
Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
(email: / &
Dr. Roland Oetjen, University of Rostock,...
IN TEXTILE LAYERS Wrapped human remains, animals and artefacts in the Nile Valley from Prehistory to the Early Medieval period
26-08-2020 18:05
EAA_2020_In_Textile_Layers_call_for_papers.pdf (371209)
EAA 2020, Budapest, 26-30 August - Session 195
ECE IX - Ninth European Conference of Egyptologists
22-06-2020 15:07
ECE IX - Ninth European Conference of Egyptologists
Egypt 2020: Perspectives of Research
Trieste, 22nd-27th June 2020
'In thy arms I lost myself’ – Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity International Congress
09-09-2019 19:38
'In thy arms I lost myself’ – Images, Perceptions and Productions in/of Antiquity International Congress
NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
The 9th, 10th, and 11th...
"Women in Ancient Egypt" - International Congress, Cairo
16-01-2019 14:19
AUC_women 2.0.png (1724671)
Congreso internacional Antigüedades de Oriente Próximo y Egipto en España y Portugal: Viajeros, pioneros y coleccionistas Facultade de Humanidades e Documentación, Universidade da Coruña Ferrol, 27 y 28 de junio de 2019
09-12-2018 14:25
congreso internacional pioneros 2019 ESP.pdf (1277339)
F.C.S.H. - UNL
Av. de Berna, nº 26 C
1069-061 LISBOA